DEM with reaction case erro after running 2.9s

This case had problem after running 2.9s(simulation time, wall time is about 8 hours)

OS: Ubuntu 16(Virtual Machine)
No parrallel

erro message:

INFO des/check_cell_movement.f:136
Error 1100: Particles detected in a ghost cell:
Particle 2158 moved into cell with I index 1
X-Position: -0.8960E-02 X-Velocity: -16.29
This is a fatal error. A particle output file (vtp) will be written
to aid debugging.


deck file (2.2 MB)

usr_rates.f (3.0 KB) gas_and_solid_Yin.mfx (30.8 KB) usr_rates_des.f (7.9 KB)

Does someone know what this erro message represents for?

It seems your particle gone to a place where there shouldn’t be.
Firstly, check your geometry, boundary and initial conditions.
Secondly, decrease Max steps between neighbor search, increase particle stiffness and adjust DESGRIDSEARCH IMAX,JMAX and KMAX values at DEM Advanced pane.

I’m not sure how is working DESGRIDSEARCH values but if you decrease these values, software don’t give an error even ghost particles occur.