Different cores setting have different results

Dear developers,
I modified some code to satisfy my project,but it appear different results.I use dmp to complete my project.The total of k1 is different. k1 is the number of particles that I count away from the center of the circle.That’s very strange,do the positions of particles change with different core setting?
The k1 is in des_thermo_newvalues.f.
The core setting: 1,4,1
The core setting: 2,1,2
I have subbmit my project.
2_umf_2022-11-10T060622.536312.zip (9.9 MB)

When I use the smp to complete my project,the result is:

I think 432 is right,how to avoid these mistakes?
Thank you very much!

Yes it is possible you will get different particle position over time due to the difference in order of operation.