Do we have access to MFIX-Exa

Hi everyone

I notice MFIX-Exa from the following reference. MFIX-Exa is expected to be an advanced version of MFIX and is available to deal with millions of particles.

Musser J, Almgren AS, Fullmer WD, et al. MFIX-Exa: a path toward exascale CFD-DEM simulations. Int J High Perform Comput Appl.

I am intersted in this software. Do we have access to MFIX-Exa now or it has not be released?

I find this website on the Internet and its official website seems not to be as mature as the website of MFIX.

Are there any available tutorials helping us to learn MFIX-Exa?

MFiX-Exa is not yet publicly available.

As stated here:

“Access to the repository is currently restricted to project members.”

– Charles