Error 1100: Cannot locate flow plane

Hello everyone,

I have this complex geometry:

When running the prrogram I get this error:

ERROR mod_bc_j.f:94
Error 1100: Cannot locate flow plane for boundary condition 5.
J South = 33 J North = 33
I West = 28 K Bottom = 2
The following should contain a wall cell and fluid cell:
IJK 3101 :: .02
IJPK 3102 :: .02
Maybe no IC was specified for the fluid cell.

The boundary condition referred to is the one marked in red, but I don’t see what the problem may be. I have already defined the initial conditions.


@Andrea - did you manage to resolve this problem?

@cgw Yes. I had to separate the object into pieces and upload it in parts, so that the arrows of the normal would point inwards in that section of the figure.

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