Error occuring while running mfix-gui


As per the suggestion from mfix-gui, I would like to report this error

An error occurred while running MFiX. Please report this error at NETL Flow Science Software Support
If you continue running, the application may become unstable. Consider saving your work now.
Error: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘endswith’
File “/home/vkotteda/Software/anaconda3/envs/mfix-20.1/bin/mfix”, line 10, in
File “…/”, line 3331, in main
File “…/”, line 3503, in main_args
gui.open_project(project_file, interactive=(not args.test))
File “…/”, line 2675, in open_project
self.do_open(project_file, pidfile)
File “…/”, line 3071, in do_open
File “…/”, line 1655, in change_mode
self.set_solver(self.project.solver) # Reset titlebar & status message
File “…/”, line 198, in set_solver
File “…/”, line 1250, in bcs_set_default_keys
if bc_type.endswith(‘W’):
Save diagnostic report?

File “/home/vkotteda/Software/anaconda3/envs/mfix-20.1/bin/mfix”, line 10, in
File “…/”, line 3331, in main
File “…/”, line 3503, in main_args
gui.open_project(project_file, interactive=(not args.test))
File “…/”, line 2675, in open_project
self.do_open(project_file, pidfile)
File “…/”, line 3071, in do_open
File “…/”, line 1655, in change_mode
self.set_solver(self.project.solver) # Reset titlebar & status message
File “…/”, line 198, in set_solver
File “…/”, line 1250, in bcs_set_default_keys
if bc_type.endswith(‘W’):
Opening in existing browser session.
[0904/] NaCl helper process running without a sandbox!
Most likely you need to configure your SUID sandbox correctly

Please see the attached bug report for more details: (32.9 KB)

Reinstalling the mfix-20.2 does not solve this problem. So, I
renamed the directory that contains the mfx file to get rid of this error.

Thank you

Looks like you edited this project outside the GUI? Seems that the GUI information at the bottom of the file, #!MFIX-GUI block, doesn’t match the number of BCs.

I have a difficulty in getting the converged solution with the mesh that contains cut-cell boundaries. So, I opened the file and removed the “cylinder face”, boundary and modified the “cylinder wall” boundary.
The statements start with #MFIX-GUI for those two boundaries are not modified. As per your comment, that causes a problem to open the project with MFIX-GUI.

I removed the statements that start with #MFIX-GUI (since the project is edited outside GUI) and opened this project with GUI. This action writes the MFIX-GUI statements as per the namelists in the input file and eliminates the error reported in this thread.

Thank you very much.