Error reported after changing computer

Hi, I want to know that when I run on my previous computer I get no error, but when I copy the program to another computer I get an error. The versions of the two computers are the same. May I ask why? Thank you

How did you copy MFiX to the other system? Is it possible that you are running a different version of ths solver? When you click Run there is a menu of solvers to chose from, are you sure you are using the same one?

On Windows there are some user preferences that are stored in the Registry, these will not get copied over when you copy MFiX files. (On Linux settings are in ~/.config/MFIX/MFIX.conf). Running mfix -c will clear settings. (Or use the ‘Factory reset’ button in the main menu)

In order to make sure you picked up all the files and settings, it would be better to do a full installation on the target computer.

Hello, thank you for your reply. I installed MFIX-21.4 on two Windows machines at the same time, and when I ran it on the first machine, I didn’t get any errors. I copied the set folder to the second computer and it got an error as shown in the image above. I’m using the same solver.

Sorry, it is really not possible for me to troubleshoot this for you remotely. I suggest making a fresh installation on the second machine.

Ok, thank you very much for your reply