ERROR when starting running cases

Hi, Developers

I met the following error when i started running tutorial cases. Can you please tell me how to deal with this error?

MFIX version:21.1.3
OS: CAELinux in WIN10

mfix - ERROR - 401 Error transferring - server replied: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
mfix - ERROR -

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

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Same error happens to me but only on Linux.

Hi Ming - I’m trying to replicate this problem but have not yet managed to do so. I see that you are running the “Cyclone SMS” tutorial. Have you modified anything in the settings? If so can you upload your project file? The error is coming from some MFiX output not being in the correct character encoding. This can happen for example if you use Chinese characters in the “Run Name” since MFiX is not expecing non-Ascii characters.

– Charles

@Junyu - does this happen for all cases you are trying to run?

The same thing happened to me when I practiced the “procedural geometry” tutorial. However, this error report does not affect the final running results.

Hi, Charles
It seems this happens for all tutorial cases i am trying to run. Before updating to 21.1.3, this error was not met with the version 21.1.0 in the same environment.
No setting was changed. The compressed file of the “Cyclone SMS” tutorial case i ran is attached below. (8.9 MB)

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To @wuming @mailofljy @mzz and anyone else seeing this error:
I uploaded version 21.1.4 which has a fix for the JSON encoding error. Some unexpected changes in a few of the libraries we depend on caused a bit of trouble. Sorry for the difficulties, let us know if this fixes the issue or if you still have trouble running MFiX simulations.

– Charles

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Thank you, Charles. The posted error has been solved by updating to the new version.