Error with MFiX 22.2.2

I am learning the tutorials 3.2, following the tutorial step by step. When I run the project, window appears fortran runtime error.
。。 (24.9 KB)

Hi Lee. Did you use Chinese or other non-ASCII characters in the filename? MFiX currently does not handle Unicode filenames. It looks like that might be the source of the problem.

Hi cgw, thanks for your answer. I have deleted the Chinese characters in the filename. But the project still can’t run.

It looks like there is a small bug in MFiX which is triggered by the “Copy version information” button on the About pane:

If you click this you will get the Error: 'AboutWidget' object message
We will fix this in the next MFiX release. In the meanwhile, if you do not click on that, I don’t see how this message could appear, since that piece of code only runs when you click the button. Is that what’s happenening for you?

Sorry for the trouble!

– Charles