Errors while running the tutorials

Good evening,

I am new to the MFIX environment and I am doing my best to learn how to use the tool.

I am currently working on the tutorial 3.5 “Three Dimensional Fluidized Bed” and after I input all the required parameters, I get the following error:

ERROR cartesian_grid\pvd_mod.f:56

I have changed the geometry to fit the domain, to be smaller than the domain, flip the normals but nothing really works.

please help.


I have spent a not insignificant amount of time to troubleshoot this procedure myself now. Not sure if this is exactly the same as you describe here, but it might be. I had a recurring error on not using a BC_NSW, and finally found out that the tutorial does not mention that you should actually tick the “Select facets” box, and so the region changes from “box” to “STL”. It might be that this was auto-ticked in previous versions perhaps.
(It is also possible to click the images in the tutorial to see them in full.)

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Thanks, I have added the missing step to the tutorials, this will be included in the next release.

– Charles

While you’re in there, there is a typo in tutorial section 3.3.5 also, see below. I’m pretty sure it should say “To X”.

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