Errors will be reported after opening the energy equation and calculating for 0.2 seconds in fluidized bed

When I calculate a fluidized bed calculation case, errors will be reported whenever it reaches 0.24s. The error information is shown in figures. I don’t understand the specific reasons for reporting errors. I have tried many times and found that no error will be reported when the energy equation is not opened. Once the energy equation is opened, an error will be reported within 0.3 seconds. My example has been attached and I hope to receive an answer.
Thank you.
error1 (754.9 KB)

Hi -
the ZIP file you uploaded does not include the .LOG files from the failed run. I suggest you examine those, or upload them here.

If you use Submit bug report from the main menu it will create a zip file containing all needed inputs and leaving out unnecessary files and subdirs. Thanks.

– Charles

Trying this job here, it ran for several hours and produced a logfile 40MM.LOG which was almost 4 gigabytes in size - it filled up the local filesystem and then job crashed due to full disk.

The log is full of repeating instances of the same message:


 From : SOURCE_Pp_g
 Error: At IJK =   1831 M = 0 A = 0 and b = -0.30248E-07                        

for various values of IJK. This message occurs over 2 million times in the LOG file (!). The message is not displayed in the console because it is only written to the log and not the standard output, so it does not contribute to the error count displayed in the MFiX console window.

So the error is coming from mfix/model/source_pp_g.f

   154              IF (ABS(A_M(IJK,0,0)) < SMALL_NUMBER) THEN
   155                 IF (ABS(B_M(IJK,0)) < SMALL_NUMBER) THEN
   156                    A_M(IJK,0,0) = -ONE
   157                    B_M(IJK,0) = ZERO
   158                 ELSEIF (RO_G0 .NE. UNDEFINED) THEN !This is an error only in incompressible flow
   159  !!$omp             critical
   160                    WRITE (LINE, '(A,I6,A,I1,A,G12.5)') 'Error: At IJK = ', IJK, &
   161                       ' M = ', 0, ' A = 0 and b = ', B_M(IJK,0)
   162                    CALL WRITE_ERROR ('SOURCE_Pp_g', LINE, 1)
   163  !!$omp             end critical
   164                 ENDIF
   165              ENDIF

Thanks for the answer, Charles.
I uploaded the LOG file and zip file generated by submit the bug report. I found that the error in my calculation case is different from yours, only showing dt<dtmin. This probably means divergence, but I still don’t know where the settings caused the error. I would like to ask if you have any suggestions on where to improve this case so that it does not report errors.
–Li (374.8 KB) (4.7 KB)