Estimate_walltime_remaining error

I have been trying to run my model but it stops with the following error:

At line 89 of file C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\conda-bld\mfix-solver_1617026633738\work\pymfix\time_cpu_mod.f90

Fortran runtime error: Recursive call to nonrecursive procedure ‘remaining_walltime_estimate’

Can anybody help with how to resolve this?
New (209.6 KB)

Hi - I am looking into this problem now.

I assume you are running on Windows? Are you running the 21.1 version we released yesterday, or an older version?

As a workaround, will your model run if you build the custom solver? (Click “Wrench” icon at top of MFiX frame) - please let us know if this works.

I have tried running this with a custom solver and it seems to resolve my issue. Thank you.