Fail to install mifx-19.3.1

Dear everyone,
I just tried to install MFIX-19.3.1, however, I tried more than three times. There are sevaral packages which fail to download and extract, as figure shows. How can I solve this problem? Thanks.

those packages are coming from Make sure you have a good internet connection and update that most recent conda version.

Thanks for your reply at first, I think it is mostly the problem of internet. Btw, do I get those packages only from anaconda prompt? Or where can I find

use the anaconda prompt as it solves the dependency tree for you.

If you intend on using other packages provided by anaconda, you can search for it and it will give you the conda command to install it. For example, if you search “VTK” and click on the official anaconda version (anaconda/vtk) it will give you the command to install it:

conda install -c anaconda vtk

Thanks for your reply! As you mean, if I wanna download mkl-2020.2, I need input
conda install -c anaconda mkl-2020.2. Is that right?

Drop the version number:

conda install -c anaconda mkl

Grateful to you, I’ll try it.