Floating exception error

I am running a cyclone case with MP-PIC.
geometry_0001.stl (2.1 MB)
fassani_cyclone.mfx (16.9 KB)
geometry_0001.stl (2.1 MB)
The geometry and MFIX is attached.

I am getting a random floating point error. Any ideas, where this comes from?

t=     0.0000 Dt= 0.1000E-04 NIT=262 Sm=  0.0000                                  CPU=    241. s
   MbError%(0,MMAX):  0.6974E-03
Timestep walltime, fluid solver:   32.336 s
 Adjusting PIC time step based on PIC CFL =   1.000
 Max CFL =    0.000; Avg CFL =    0.000; Out of specs =   0.000 %
 Adjusted PIC time step = .100E-04 sec.
PIC NITs: 1   Total PIP: 81160
Timestep walltime, PIC solver:    0.073 s
 Time =      0.00001  Dt =  0.10000E-04
[compute-20-306:120049:0:120049] Caught signal 8 (Floating point exception: floating-point overflow)
==== backtrace (tid: 120049) ====
 0  /share/apps/ucx/1.12.0/lib/libucs.so.0(ucs_handle_error+0x134) [0x7fa6d9ea7b74]
 1  /share/apps/ucx/1.12.0/lib/libucs.so.0(+0x2cedc) [0x7fa6d9ea7edc]
 2  /share/apps/ucx/1.12.0/lib/libucs.so.0(+0x2d263) [0x7fa6d9ea8263]
 3  /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0xf630) [0x7fa6eca0a630]
 4  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x44a340]
 5  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x44aa07]
 6  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x70a155]
 7  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x70af86]
 8  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x4a9a4f]
 9  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x4ae7d8]
10  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x447784]
11  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x403dcd]
12  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x4044fe]
13  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x4036b1]
14  /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5) [0x7fa6ebbd9555]
15  /share/apps/mfix/bin/mfixsolver_dmp_smp() [0x4036e1]

Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7FA6EC6F2697
#1  0x7FA6EC6F2CDE
#2  0x7FA6ECA0A62F
#3  0x44A340 in __leqsol_MOD_dot_product_par._omp_fn.2 at leqsol_mod.f:1064 (discriminator 1)
#4  0x44AA06 in __leqsol_MOD_dot_product_par at leqsol_mod.f:1064
#5  0x70A154 in __leq_bicgs_mod_MOD_leq_bicgs0 at leq_bicgs.f:330
#6  0x70AF85 in __leq_bicgs_mod_MOD_leq_bicgs at leq_bicgs.f:91
#7  0x4A9A4E in __solve_lin_eq_mod_MOD_solve_lin_eq at solve_lin_eq.f:165
#8  0x4AE7D7 in u_m_star at solve_vel_star.f:358
#9  0x447783 in __iterate_MOD_do_iteration at iterate.f:255
#10  0x403DCC in run_fluid at mfix.f:188
#11  0x4044FD in MAIN__ at mfix.f:298
srun: error: compute-20-306: task 1: Floating point exception
slurmstepd: error:  mpi/pmix_v3: _errhandler: compute-20-306 [0]: pmixp_client_v2.c:211: Error handler invoked: status = -25, source = [slurm.pmix.199248.0:1]
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 199248.0 ON compute-20-306 CANCELLED AT 2022-07-04T23:32:12 ***
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
srun: error: compute-20-306: task 0: Killed

I’ll take a look and see if I can reproduce this error. Does this also happen if you run in serial mode, or is it DMP-only?

Also, I think maybe you attached the wrong STL? (I’m getting warnings about Geometry_1.STL)
Try using “Submit bug report” from the main menu which will create a ZIP file containing all needed inputs. Thanks.