Flow Chart of MFiX

I am new to MFiX and I get confused among all the subroutines. Where can I find the call tree, a flow chart governing the code??

I am not familiar with a flowchart for MFIX. However, when I started to try and understand the code architecture, I found it helpful to start in ~/model/main.f and work from there. This routine is the backbone of the main solver, particularly for TFM. If you are more interested in the solids model DEM, look at ~/model/des/des_time_march.f. And for the solids model PIC, look at ~/model/des/pic/time_march_pic.f90. Nothing substitutes for just getting in there are looking at the code yourself. If you’re working in LINUX, remember that grep is your friend!

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Do not have a better hint? I know how confusing it is

I have a project, in which I should study the scheme that is used in MFiX to execute in parallel. and if possible, to improve the speed by changing the parallelization scheme. I dont know where is the subroutine or related code lines to parallelization. Any idea?

Nice picture! lol :laughing: