Fludized bed diverge at the beginning

Hello, dear everyone,
It is a fluidized bed with reactive biomass injected from the bottom.
I tried many times and found only if I initially packing the sand particles, it will diverge at the very begining. But when I only inject the biomass particles, it goes well.

I have already tried many times with every possiblities I could imagine, and I don’t know why this case still fails. Please help me. Any suggestions will be helpful.

Thank you!

case set-up
gas_and_solid_2019-11-07T172353.905716.zip (147.8 KB)

LOG&OUT.zip (12.8 KB)

Again, it’s me.
I found it is an erro in BC&IC.
I don’t remember what exactly all the changes I made, but I changed the BC of injecting biomass, whose temperature was 1093K before, and 300K now