Fluidized bed abnormal flow

Dear developer, I have recently encountered a problem. When using variable density addition reaction as shown below, 0.1s to 0.11s has a huge change. I tried a few things. The fluidization state was normal when no biomass was added (no reaction). Adding biomass, using constant density is also normal flow. But as long as you add biomass, variable density. The above problems will occur. Attempts were made to reduce the rate of reaction, but this was ineffective. I hope my case can get your examination!

Qian_binhui_1.zip (30.3 MB)

As you correctly observed, the rates are generating lots of gas. If you don’t want them creating gas that fast, reduce the reaction rates.

Looks like your grid is fairly coarse (10 cells across), could try increasing the cell count, moving to 3D, etc.