How do I fix this issue ? This error is stopping me from running my simulation. Anybody know what I shoul do to solve this ?
Please attach your files… go to Main menu, select “Submit bug report”, and upload the .ZIP file that will be created.
I’ve attached the ZIP file. I hope that you can help me solve my issue. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
There’s a small bug in des_thermo_cond_mod.f
which will be fixed in the next MFiX release. In the meanwhile, you can fix it locally. Open the file
If you click on the underlined link in the error popup, the file will open in the built-in MFiX editor. Say “Yes” to the “Copy to project file for editing?” prompt.
You need to change line 514 from
IF(omomk**2 .gt. ONE) THEN
and then build a custom solver with the modified code (click “wrench” icon in the MFiX toolbar). This will remove the “invald operation” you are seeing.
If you want, you can copy
from the project directory to %CONDA_PREFIX%\Lib\site-packages\mfix_solver
and then the default MFIX 24.2.2 solver will be updated to contain this fix.
Thanks for the bug report - feedback from users like you helps up improve MFiX.
– Charles
I’ll give it a go. Thank you so much for your help.
Note that there are still some convergence problems with this case after this bug is fixed. I suggest you start with a smaller number of particles until you solve the convergence problems, then ramp up to the desired number of particles.
Will the new update of MFIX version 24.3.1 solve these problems ?
Yes, 24.3.1 has a fix for the FPE but you still need to figure out why the model is not converging.