GUI does not start

Hi everyone.

I’m getting the following error message whenever I try to launch mfix GUI.

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated


Hi Abdelmoumen -

You’ve run across a bug in the code that loads recent projects. This list of recent projects is stored in the mfix.conf file. If you start mfix with the -c flag, the saved configuration will be cleared and you should be able to start mfix. This will unfortunately wipe out other saved settings, but there are not too many of these - it’s mainly window position and recent projects so you don’t lose much when you clear these.

I also see that you are running an older version of MFiX - I suggest you upgrade to 21.1.4 which is the latest version, from 2021.

I am not sure why this problem occurred - perhaps one of your projects does not have a description? I will try to reproduce the problem and fix the root cause. If you have any suggestions for how to reproduce this problem, I’d like to know.

– Charles

To clear the saved setting: mfix -c.

You can also edit the file ~/.config/MFIX/MFIX.conf on Linux, or use the registry editor to edit the key MFIX\MFIX on Windows machines. This will show exactly what settings are saved in the application preferences.

– Charles


It’s working now with : mfix -c .

Many thanks,
