Heat Transfer in non spherical particles

Hello develpoers!
I am new here and just compeleted the installation of mfix 22.4.2. I want to study heat transfer for Non spherical particles. I go through the tutorials available on NETL site. But still cannot proceed further. I request the experts to suggest/guide about predefined expertise required to study heat transfer in non spherical particles.

Thanks in advance.

We’re happy to help but you will probably get better answers if you ask more specific questions.

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Case is simple, hot air is passing over the fixed non spherical particles. Now my task is to study the heat transfer to non spherical particles. As particles are fixed, I am not clear which slover is best applicable and how to enable energy equation to study the heat transfer. Develop Nusselt no. corelation.

Have you tried implementing non-spherical particles with the SQP solver, and making them “fixed” by simply having them be extremely massive?

Yes, I tried. But SQP solver is not functional on MFiX 22.4.2.

What do you mean the SQP solver is not functional? What errors are you seeing?

I will be thankful, if you share

  1. Any tutorial/manual/paper how to set boundary conditions for heat transfer case.
  2. How to extract diff. parameters from any run, i.e velocity, temp, volume fraction etc…

For the first point: I don’t have any references handy, sorry. Perhaps others on the forum have suggestions.

For the second: are you looking for something other than VTK outputs and Monitors? These are the common ways to get data out of the model.

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For the second: I just opened CSV. file that contains an excel file for data. For that, I was looking.