Hi! The following figure shows my error when I run the program, and I find that setting solid >DEM is gray, how should I solve it, thank you

Please attach your project files - use “Submit bug report” in the main menu. Thanks!

– Charles

Is this the right one?
wangyi0225_2022-02-26T091629.104329.zip (44.6 KB)

Yes, thanks. I will follow up on the job errors.

I am getting some errors when running this case but they don’t match the warnings in your posting (E_YOUNG_ACTUAL, V_POISSON_ACTUAL)
Maybe you attached the wrong case? Anyhow, here’s a breakdown of the 5 errors I get when I run the attached case:

Error 1:

Error from check_data/check_solids_common_discrete.f:756
Error 2001: No interpolation scheme specified when DES_INTERP_ON is enabled. Please correct the project settings.

The message refers to DES_INTERP_ON which is an MFiX keyword.

In order to find the corresponding control, you can click on the “Search” icon (magnifying glass), then in the keyword popup, search for ‘DES_INTERP_ON’.

Then clicking ‘Locate control’ will take you to the location in the interface where this setting is controlled. (Note, I am working on making this a little easier, in the next release you will be able to click on the keyword in the error message)…

This least to the ‘Interpolation’ control and indeed you can see that on the next line, ‘Scheme’ is set to ‘None’. So that needs to be set.

Error 2:

Error from check_data/check_solids_common_discrete.f:601
Error 2200: The DES implementation of the stiff chemistry solver only supports explicit coupling (DES_EXPLICITLY_COUPLED).

So you need to also click on “Enable explicit coupling …”

Error 3:

Error from check_data/check_solids_dem.f:641
Required input not specified: DES_EN_INPUT(2)

Following the same procedure leads us here, where inputs are needed:

Errors 4 and 5 lead to the same place as error 3. (3 values needed, so 3 errors).

Hope this helps,

– Charles

Ok, thank you for your patient guidance!