How can I configure the maximum allowed gas velocities

Dear All,

When I set fluid velocity of mass inflow as 1m/s or 10m/s, it showed me the following errors. How can I configure the maximum allowed gas velocities? Thank you.

mfix - WARNING - velocity higher than maximum allowed velocity: 100.00 mfix - WARNING - velocity higher than maximum allowed velocity: 100.00

Please try searching the forum:

There should have been some additional text with that warning message - is that the complete message?


I have the same problem, and the text only shows this message:
WARNING: velocity higher than maximum allowed velocity (to change this adjust the scale factor MAX_INLET_VEL_FAC)
DT < DT_MIN. Recovery not possible

How can I know the complete error message?

Here is my file: (197.5 KB)

I have also tried increasing MAX_INLET_VEL_FAC from 1 to 1.5, but it didn’t work either and the case diverges immediately when I resume.


As Justin said above:

Check your setup, BCs, mesh (small cells), chemistry, etc.

And if those are all correct, set the MAX_INLET_VEL_FAC to something higher than 1.5, try, 5 or 10.

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