How can I generate a single particle using the MFIX-SQP

Hi All,
I want to investigate the flow of a single non-spherical particle in a fluid using MFIX-23.1. When I use the auto particle generation, the simulation runs successfully, but with more than one particle. I have read some of the questions about single particle generation, but none of them describes how to generate the particle. Please can someone guide me or point me to sources I can study. Thank you.

Please attach your files: Main menu / Submit bug report,
then attach resulting zip file here.

Okay. Thank you for your reply. Please find attached the zip file. This is my first time of attempting this type of simulation. (84.8 KB)

In your initial conditions, instead of specifying volume fraction, try specifying particle count.



Thank you for your quick response. I set the particle count to 1 like you instructed, but I got a des/read_particle_input.f:74 error. The bug report is attached. (95.1 KB)

The error is:

Error 1100: FATAL - DEM particle input file not found!

There are two ways to insert particles into the system - you can use automatic particle generation, OR use a particle_input.dat file.


If you enable automatic particle generation, then the particle count in the initial conditions pane will be used. If you don’t turn on automatic particle generation, then you need to specify a particle_input.dat file, and for SQP particles you will need to use the version 3 format, which is not well documented but you can read about it in this post

I’d suggest you use automatic particle generation, as it is simpler and easier and doesn’t require you to create the file.

Thank you so much. This solved the problem. I will keep looking out for more documentations on using the particle_input.dat for SQP.