How can i optimize the simulation and CPUs to reduce the time it taking to generate data?

I am using sqp model and fluidizing 30000 cylindrical particles with diameter 3mm and length 12 mm. My simulation are taking so much wall time.
As you can see in the image itself for creating a single file of 0.01 s of simulation time it is taking more than an hour of walltime.
I am using 24 cores and distribution given in image

SQP is known to be slow but possibly we can adjust some convergence criteria to speed things up. Please upload your simulation so I can have a look (Main menu/Submit bug report)

Please find the attachement here and kindly help me to speed this up
aiche_ar4_1.6vi.mfx (12.7 KB)

Error 1100: FATAL - DEM particle input file not found!

Please attach all files needed to run the simulation. The easiest way to do this is ‘Submit bug report’ on the main menu which will make a ZIP file containing all inputs.


– Charles

I run this using mfix solver on hpc, I can send the input particle file , i believe nothing else will be required
particle_input.dat (3.7 MB)