How do I monitor nodes bandwidth and latency in the simulation

Hello!I am using HPC for DMP parallel simulation test, using 2 nodes (256 cores). I want to monitor the bandwidth and latency between nodes during the process. Does MFiX have this feature? How should it be set?
Thanks a lot!

There is no built-in feature in MFiX to monitor cluster performance.

Network bandwidth can be measured with any number of tools, such as iotop. I also like to use perf top on a worker node during runs to see what fraction of time is spent in MPI routines (overhead) vs MFiX routines (actual computation).
You may need to get support from your local systems administrators if these tools are not installed.

Additionally, there are some profiling tools which target MPI applications - you might be interested in mpiP, developed at LLNL - GitHub - LLNL/mpiP: A light-weight MPI profiler.

Please let us know if you find any interesting results!