How to build a 2D cylindrical model?

Hey guys,

I’m trying to build a 2D cylindrical fluidized bed. The fluid flows outward radially, and due to the symmetry there is no flow on the axial or azimuthal direction. As a result, I tried to build the system in 2D. Here is my .mfx file. cylindrical_chem.mfx (9.4 KB)

When I set no_k=.True. in mfix, according to the documentation it ignores the theta direction, which is what I wanted. However, when I ran the model, I had an error on the z direction.

ERROR check_data\check_axis.f:288
Error 1107: Incorrect domain size information in Z-direction.
ZLENGTH, Z_MIN, and Z_MAX are not consistent.
Please correct the project settings.

Can someone suggest me how to fix this error please? Any input is appreciated!
