How to change convection heat transfer correlations?

Dear Developers!
In MFiX GUI, the following Nusselt no correlations are available
Screenshot (6)
If someone wants to use correlation other than that, what modification required? Kindly brief me about procedure.

This can be changed in the file des/calc_gamma_des.f around line 134. Look for RANZ in the file.

Dear @jeff.dietiker. Thanks for insight.
Which one is valid approach.

  1. Edit the existing correlations with the target correlation without editing case name and use them in calculation.

  2. Insert target correlation as a new case and run the calculation.

If you want to change one of the existing models, then edit the code in that CASE block. This would be quickest (but a bit dishonest).

If you want to add a completely new model, this will take a bit more work. You will have to add a new case to des/calc_gamma_des.f but you will also have to modify these files:


This will add the new model definitions to the menus, etc.

If you implement a new correlation model consider posting the code here for possible addition to the MFiX distribution.

Thanks, and good luck!

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@cgw Hopefully you’re fine.
How to store/extract the value of convective heat transfer coefficient as calculated in des/calc_gamma_des.f file.

You can use DES_USR_VAR for this, for an example see How can I output the drag coefficient from maybe the drag subroutine where this is explaned for the drag coefficient, doing it for the heat transfer coefficient should be very similar.