How to change the build command in windowsOS

Hello everyone,
I meet a problem that i want to know how to change the build command in the windows os(to remove the --dmp)?

That ‘dmp’ really should not be there and I’m puzzled why! Can you please submit a full bug report, including your project files?

hello cgw:
i set up the case in a ubuntu os, and now i want to change the parameters in the windows os, so i want to know how to change the build command?

Since DMP is not supported on WIndows the DMP control is not shown. This has the unfortunate effect, as you found, that if a case is set up for DMP it cannot be turned off! This will be fixed for the next MFiX release. For now you can open the .mfx file in a text editor and find a line like


and either change the 1 to 0, or just delete the line…