How to code chemical reaction rates?

I would like to ask if there is a tutorial on coding chemical reaction rates, I looked at the mfix manual and couldn’t find it, and I don’t know how to code it via usr_rates.f.
Looking forward to any possible answers, thanks!

From the GUI, you can load some examples. Go to the main menu>New project. You can filter out examples with/without chemistry. A good starting point is the silane pyrolysis TFM example.

When I run the silane pyrolysis TFM example, the following warning appears and I fail to build the solver, I hope you can help me to see what is wrong with this example, here is my error report, thanks!
image (79.3 KB)

Hi, hello. I am also studying chemical reactions. Perhaps we can exchange ideas. Can you provide your email or other contact information?

This is my qq number:1979524750.

What error are you getting when you build the custom solver?

This is the error I encountered when building the solver.
Here is my bug report. (81.4 KB)

Please search the forum before posting, these solver build failures have been discussed extensively, for example see The case run well in mfix-22.1,but has error in mfix-22.2.2 - #13 by MFiX_LYP