I copied the source code of usr_properties.f to my directory, and I found this line: C_PS(IJK,M) =
But how to represent the Temperature in the formula?
The variable, which I only know, to represent solid temperature is des_T_s(NP), however there is no NP(the particle index).
USR_PROP_CPs(ijk,M) is used to define the CPs for each solid phase. If you want to include the temperature effect in CPs, just:
USE fldvar, only: T_S
USE physprop, only: C_PS
! sand
IF(M=1) C_PS(ijk,M)= …
! wood
IF(M=2) C_PS(ijk,M)=1112.0+4.85(T_S-273)
If you want to simulate the chemical reaction of wood particles using DEM model (wood–>char+ash+unreacted wood+gas), the CPs of a particle is also a function of species, thus I suggest you try an easier way as follows:
select a solid (e.g. C) from the BURCAT database to mimic wood, ash, char, respectively.
Modify the Cp (eg. wood: 1112.0+4.85(T_S-273)) in the following format.