How to define an annular cylinder fluid bed?

Hey guys,

I’m trying to define a fluid bed that has annular cylinder shape, but kept running into “no standard fluid cells in the computation” error. Can someone help me take a look please? Thanks!

The bed that I want to build is an annular cylinder. The center (inner hollow cylinder) will be the inlet. The top and bottom are no-slip walls, so air can only come out from the outer side surface.

My strategy of building the bed in MFiX 21.1.0 has been defining 2 coaxial cylinders, and take the difference of them in the GUI as the bed. However, when I tried to define IC on the bed, it was not available.

Also, I tried selecting the outer side surface of the annular cylinder as the outlet, but I’m not sure if I’m doing the right thing. I chose the front side, checked “Select the facets” and set the vector to be (0,0,1), with 90 degrees angle. Is this selecting the front side of the side outer surface? Or should I do something else?


Can you post your mfx file?

chem_3d_jelly_roll.mfx (16.1 KB)

Here is my MFiX file. Sorry if it’s very messy. I’m still very confused about how to build the geometry and attach BCs. Thank you!
