How to distinguise the reaction rate in monitor cell and particle

Hi, I run a mfix with gas-solid reaction. I monitor the reaction rate for cell and particle respectively.

. When I see the results in monitor excel, these two reaction rate have 2 different value. So I want to ask why. These 2 reaction rates are calculated based on different priciples?

The monitors you have set up are averages. In the case of the cell monitor, the average is taken over the entire region. For the particle monitor, the average is only taken over the grid cells containing the particle.

Thannk you so much for your kindly help. The entire region mains the bed region I set up?

When you set up the monitor, you chose a region that the monitor is associated with. In this case your region is named monitor1 . The definition for the boundaries of that region can be found in the “Regions” pane.

Thank you for your further explain. Another question is about the reaction rate equation.

Now the unit of DES_RATES(Reaction_1) is kmol/m^3/s. So I must convert this unit into kmol/s?

I believe that kmol / m^3s is a standard unit for reaction rates, as it is the time derivative (1/s) of a concentration (kmol/m^3). If you multiply that by the volume, that will give you a total production rate for a region, which is not quite the same thing as a reaction rate. But if that’s what you’re looking for, multiply by the region volume to get something in kmol/s.


Please post in English if you want help from the MFiX team. There may be some other Chinese users on this list who can help you but this forum is conducted mostly in English.

– Charles