How to get all keywords in MFiX

Hi, Developers

As a beginner for MFiX, the powerful customized functions of MFiX attracts me. When i was writing a new user defined reaction, some confusion arised in my mind.

  1. Some keywords used in udf are not interpreted normally in user guide. these keywords seems basic and more useful, such as, EP_G, IJK, and so on.
  2. Modules, such as des_rxns, energy, and so on, are not interpreted in user guide, also.
    To write a good udf, it is necessary to know thses keywords completely first. In my opinion, they are basic material to contruct a udf. So, i would like to ask where we can learn all key keywords defined in MFix? It may be much helpful.

Best regards.

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In MFIX GUI, click advanced–> then click “+”, then you should see most key worlds available–> click a specific key world or search a key world, you can see the description, data type and usage.

Hi, gaoxi

Thank you for your reply. In fact, I have noticed the option “advance” you pointed out before i posted my question. But, as shown in the figure, it is strange that when i searched the keyword EP_G, there was no direct result. So i would like to ask you why it is not presented in the result? In my view, it is much more useful. And besides, there seems to be no module interpreted in current keywords menu, especially for those invoked in tutorial udf.

Best regards.

EP_G is a field variable, related key worlds are bc_ep_g, ic_ep_g, ep_star, etc, that can be set by users. Some modules are described in the theory guide (mfix-19.3.0\doc), if you want to get a deep understanding of the code, you might need to read the source code in a module of interest. MFIX also provides many tutorials and test cases to help you to get a quick start.

Hi, gaoxi

Thank you for your reply. MFiX indeed provides a powerful platform for us to realize our ideas. But, as a beginner, when i am typing my code, it’s sometimes hard to find an wanted keyword or interpretation about one keyword used in tutorial udf. For example, when i want to know the meaning of " NP " employed in an udf, and how it works in the program, i can not find it in the keywords and user guide. In fact, for " NP ", i really want to know that if it can distinguish particle of different species when i am dealing with two particle phases in a simulation.
Maybe, i can post it in this forum and you will answer me, right? Sincerely, i thank you every developer, your patience and kindness moves me.

Best regards.

I had the same experience as you when I started to use MFIX several years ago. Based on my own experience, before I start with my own projects, I will try and test the tutorial cases as more as possible or read some related source code.

As it was described in several tutorial cases (for example, legacy_tests\dem-tests\evaporation),

NP is the Global index of particle (including particles of all solid phases).
pM is the Solid phase index of particle NP.

Hi, gaoxi

Thank you very much. Maybe, it is necessary for me to read an run all test and tutorial cases first. It may help me know MFiX better. But, there is still a question that if there is a way to open old version cases, most of which i can not open in a direct way.

Best regards.