How to get solution data of solid in DEM simulation

Dear developers!

I’m simulating the 2D case DEM using MFiX. My study primarily involves the motion and interaction of solid (granular) particles in the context of fluid (gas).

I want to get the data of solid mean velocity and solid volume fraction. when in run the simulation only gets the gas phase velocity and volume fraction.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could guide me.

Hi. Please always attach your project files (main menu / Submit bug report) when posting to the forum.

Please be more specific in your questions. What type of model are you using (DEM, TFM, PIC, etc)? What did you try, and how did it not work?

You should be able to set up a monitor for solids velocities and volume fractions. There are two types of monitor, “Cell data” and “Particle data”. For TFM models, the solids velocities are cell data, otherwise they are particle data.