How to get the gas yield of each species in the paraview postprocess?

I am doing a fluidized bed 2D pyrolysis case. Now I got the vtks and vtus. But I don’t know how to do the postprocess with paraview. There are 2 main problems:

  1. How to get the gas yield of each species?
  2. How to get the pressure drop from the first row of cells to the top row of cells?

I know mfix can get the gas mass fraction of each species, but I want the absolute gas yield.

It is really helpful if someone knows how to do these. Thank you.

You need to monitor the gas mass flow rate, gas species at the outlet. Since you know the fluidization gas mass flow rate and mass fraction, you can calculate the mass flow rate of the pyrolysis gas.

In ParaView, you first slice the domain near the outlet, then you get a line. Then save the data to a .csv file. In this file, you can see all the data (velosity, mass fraction) you saved in the VTU file.

I also suggest you try MFIX monitor in GUI.

Similar with the above, you need to slide the domain near the outlet and the inlet, you get two lines, and save the data into .csv file and post process.

You can also monitor the pressure at the outlet and inlet in GUI.

I added the slice as you said

and saved the data as .csv

But I only got this

I cannot find the mass flow rate etc. as you mentioned

When you save the data, choose they type Cell instead of Point.

The mass flow rate is not directly available, you need to use velocity, density, mass fraction,etc to calculate it.
Also, you can use the tool Monitor to get the mass flow rate easily in MFIX.

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really thank you
I am also wondering how to use MFiX monitor to get the mass flow rate, because I can only found the mass fraction of a specie( for example, H2) . But I cannot found the total mass flow rate or gas yield with time