How to include the vtx into powerpoint or keynotes?

Hey guys,

I’m trying to present my simulation result to my group, but I’m not sure how to access the visualization or incorporate it into PowerPoint/Keynotes. Does anyone know how to do it please?


Like images/video? Or a 3D rotatable model?

Just a video will be fine. Thanks!


I use the image stack and save pics of every time step. After, I use an external script/program for making a video. You can find the image stack on the right of the vtk tab.

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I see. Thanks Ahmet. So there is no easy way to export a video I guess.

Unfortunately there is not. But you can export the images stacks, then use something like ffmpeg to turn the image stack into a movie.

> conda install ffmpeg
> ffmpeg -i path/to/images/image_%06d.png -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec libx264 -an my_move.mp4