How to increase particle accumulation height

Sorry, I am not sure I understand your question. Can you explain in more detail what you are trying to do?

Okay. What I mean is that both MFIX and the code you gave me are used to generate number-based particle size distributions, but I would like to implement volume-based particle size distributions.

So, we have diameters (equivalently, radii) distributed according to a desired PSD function. And if I understand you, you want the volumes distributed according to the same function. Since volume is proportional to cube of diameter (or radius), what if we generate random numbers, then take the cube root (scaled by the appropriate constant) - will that give the result you want?

Thank you, I think it may not be quite right. Volume-based PSD means that the volume or mass between (d and d+ฮ”d) satisfies a lognormal distribution.Iโ€™m now falling into a misconception. If I go straight to x = rng.lognormal(mean=ยต, sigma=๐œŽ), then this ends up generating a number-based PSD.

My suggestion is you generate the volume-based PSD then convert it to number-based PSD on your own and save it in a file so you can import it as a custom PSD.

Thanks Jeff for your answer. So how do I generate a volume-based PSD?Assuming it follows a lognormal distribution.

the PDF needs to be weighted by D^3

You should be able to use this function in place of the rng.lognormal in the script above:

Ok, thank you so much Charles, Iโ€™ll give it a try.