How to output contact information in mfix 20.4.2

I tried to output all the contacts (i.e., the position of the particle in contact) and contact forces between particles at intervals. I have used user scalar to output the particle information. However, the contact information is different and seems unable to be outputted by user scalar.
Sincerely thanks the instructions from the experts proficient in DEM.

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You can access them at calc_force_dem.f and store them in des_usr_var

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Thanks very much for your reply. I am Chinese. Could you explain in brief why the same variable, i.e., sqrt(…) are stored in DES_USR_VAR with two different indexes?

In my opinion, the value of DES_USR_VAR is stored as particle information. If one particle has two or more contacts, how can I output all contact forces exerted on the particle

Could you please explain this code. I need a similar code to output single particle drag coefficient.