How to plot information of feeding particle in paraview?

Hi all:

Here, particles are fed from the boundary, and I want to track the information of one of them. The problem is, in paraview when I use “ProbleLocation” and “PlotSelectionOverTime” function I can get the particle information varied with time, however the particle is tracked with “Point ID” rather than “Particle_ID”, which will lead to tracking of a specific particle failed.

Is there any one can solve this problem or if there is any other way to plot particle information ?

Thank you in advance!

I recently did some analysis of reacting biomass particles just similar with your case.
Assume that you use MFIX and have output the particle data into several VTP files.
Paraview 5.6.0:
Step 1: Edit—>Find Data—> Find(Points)—>choose Particle_ID

Step 2: set Particle_ID=10 (for example)—>run selection query—>extract selection—>apply

Step 3: Filters—>Data Analysis—>Plot data over time—>choose the variable you want to show (for example, here I plotted the particle temperature and particle density)—>enjoy!


Many thanks Gao xi ! :smiley: