How to plot time-averaged particle velocities along x direction?

Hi, everyone. I try to plot a picture like this:

Should it be handled according to the following ideas?
1.time-averaged results of particle data
2.y=35 mm slice processing along x

It’s too complex for me. :joy:
Is there a more reasonable and simpler way to implement it in paraview?


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Well I’ll tell you the following from my perspective.
ParaView or VisIt are for this post-processing of .vtu files and serve the same purpose. Try using the “Filters” options:

These ParaView resources are often used by CFD analysts:

  • Calculator filters
  • Connectivity filter
  • Gradient filter’s option to compute Vorticity and Q Criterion
  • Glyph filter
  • Flowpath filters (Streak Line, Stream Tracer, Surface Flow, Particle Path)
  • Surface LIC plugin
  • Plot over Line
  • Probe filter and Point Sprite Plugin
  • Volume rendering

I recommend practicing with each filter on this list and watching tutorials on the internet, remember practice makes perfect.

Best Regards

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I use ExtractTimeSteps, TemporalStatistics, and PointLineInterpolator, calculate x coordinate, then PlotData.
Thanks for your reply!
Best regards


Hi xjwuyuhao,

Did you manage to get the plot you wanted?
I am trying to extract a similar plot. I even used the filters you suggested, but my data looks “choppy”.

Best regards