How to proceed with the fluid-particle coupling simulation after the completion of non-fluid simulation of particle self-gravity deposition with GSP model?

Hi, developers! I am trying to use Mfix-dem to simulate the collapse of a submerged granular column with the GSP model released in version 24.1. My idea is firstly to simulate particle sedimentation in the absence of water to obtain the particle pile, and then expand the lateral boundary to release these particles under the condition of activating the coupled fluid-particle calculation. Now I have encountered two problems. One is how to proceed with the fluid-particle coupling simulation with modified boundary conditions after the particle packing simulation is completed. The particle_output.dat of the GSP model only includes information about its component sphere, but no information about GSP particle itself. Another problem is that there seems to be only one particle size in the GSP model even if the particle size is specified to vary within a certain range. Look forward to your reply. Thank you!

@xlli The particle_output.dat for GSP has not been added into the release yet. Its our future plan and we are working on that. So unfortunately you cannot use the result from a simulation as an initial condition to a new simulation right now. If you are familiar with Fortran, you can do that with udf, but it need quite lots of work.

As for only one particle size problem, we did include a size distribution function for gsp model, so it may be a bug, could you please submit a bug report and upload your case file so we can take a look.
