How to provide initial particle positions in particle_input.dat file when using GSP model?

Hello, developers! The particle_output.dat of a GSP model does not output the information about the particle shape and orientation. So, how to further conduct a simulation with the previously computed GSP model as the initial condition?

@jinl The particle_output.dat for GSP has not been added into the release yet. We are working on that and may release it in future. If you are familiar with Fortran, you can use udf to achieve this, although it need quite a lot of work

You still need the same gsp_config.dat. And you need to write a particle_input.dat and turn off auto seeding when running simulation. The attached is a sample dat file. There are variables in the code call gluePos and glueQuat, you need to dump those values into dat file as X,Y,Z and q1 q2 q3 q4.
particle_input.dat (12.5 KB)


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Thank you for your reply and look forward to this issue being resolved in the future release of the MFIX.