How to run faster in the HPC?

I want to run a hybrid simulation on an HPC system. I want to know how to run so that the simulation can be done faster? OpenMP or MPI? With what combination?
I have 20 cores and 60 GB of RAM.
The geometry of the problem is two-dimensional and has the following dimensions.

Cell size = 1 mm
Number of cells = 90,000

Thank you for your bits of help.

Have you tried nodesi=2 nodesj=10 nodesk=1
That should go fast

Thank you for your reply.
Your opinion is to use DMP. Is there an advantage over the SMP?
especially for my case.

I would try both and compare. Each cluster is different. I have noted gigantic speed up even in 2D using DMP over SMP.

Thanks for your help. They were really useful.

You might already read the papers on MFIX DMP, SMP

1.Development of parallel DEM for the open-source code MFIX
2. Hybrid parallelism in MFIX CFD-DEM using OpenMP

The mentioned articles contained very useful content.
Thanks a lot.