How to Run Legacy Tutorials

Hi, i want to run legacy tutorials with mfix.dat files by the newer version of mfix. I’ve been running cases with .mfx files and GUI for a long time, but I got this question to run 2D cases with unconventional geometries.

I have two ways, the anaconda installing version 20.3.1 and the source tarball 19.1.4. In the mfix documentation 2012, this one uses version 2016.1 with the configure_mfix file, but this one does not appear in the latest version.

  • with which version is it easier to run legacy tutorial with mfix.dat files?
  • is it strictly necessary anaconda or miniconda?

#legacy #mfix #documentation

You can run the current release with a legacy *.dat file. The *.mfx file is just a *.dat file with more information that the GUI is saving (all the #MFIX-GUI stuff).

You do not need anaconda. Anaconda just makes it easier to obtain all the dependencies (mainly needed for the GUI; Python, Qt, VTK, etc).

If you just want to run the solver, all you need is the fortran source files, CMAKE, and a fortran compiler. See the documentation: 5.3. Build from Source (for Developers) — MFiX 20.3.1 documentation

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