How to set the display interface of vtk?

I would like to ask why the font“CH4_Gas_mass_fractions” above my color bar is so small? How can I adjust it?
And can this textual content “CH4_Gas_mass_fractions” be modified?If so, where do I change it?

Thanks, looking forward to any possible answers!

Hi Wangjing.

Unfortunately the text content and size for the color bars cannot be modified at this time. This would be a good feature, perhaps we can add it in a future release.

The font size for the time label can be set but it looks like the font for the color bars is chosen automatically. I think the font is so small in this case because the text is so long. And the text label is being created by the solver and saved in the VTU/VTP files - the viewer just displays whatever is in the files.

It would be good to allow users to control this. I will add this if it’s not too much work.

Also I note that you have 8 labels on your color bars, of course this is up to you but if you set this to 11 you get 10 even divisions and the numbers will go 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 etc instead of going up in odd amounts.