How to solve the error in reacting flow:float divide by zero in __des_reaction_model_

Hi, I am recently simulating the reaction process in MFIX 23.1. When I did not tick the “species equation”, it ran well in the pure heat transfer process. However, when I added the reaction, the errors at once told: “float divide by zero in __des_reaction_model_mod_MOD_des_reaction_model”. And the bug reports as mentioned in the picture:
Could anyone help deal with this problem? The case has been attached here.
Thanks so much. (27.8 MB)

I’m not seeing the PARSE_RESID_STRING error with the files you sent.

However I get an error popup:

Clicking on the link in the error popup takes me to the offending line of code. Looks like you are taking a logarithm of zero or a negative number. You have to “look before you leap” here, check the argument before calling log.

#1  0x00007f59a8ef706f in usr_rates_des (np=1, pm=1, ijk=315, des_rates=...)
    at /tmp/drum_sphere_231_reaction/usr_rates_des.f:151
151		   factorfour = 102-30.188*log(factortwo)+91.145 
(gdb) print factortwo
$2 = -916666.64812299982

So much sry for the late reply. The problem has been solved when I removed the reaction rate setting. So much thanks about your patient help.