How to solve the problem of surface Mesh Generation

I have made a model in SolidWorks that has some complex curved baffles.Since MFIX can only generate structured grids, I imported STL files and found that parts of the solid with curved baffles inside were “cut off” . How do I solve this problem?

If I use third party software such as ICEM or Workbench Meshing to grid, is it possible to import MFIX?
批注 2020-08-27 224556

So MFiX only uses a structured grid, so you can’t import from other codes that use unstructured grids.

Those curved baffles are two thin for the mesh to resolve. So what is the goal of this simulation? Do you need to solve the fluid flow?

If so, you need to exaggerate the thickness of the baffles and reduce your cell size.

If not, turn the fluid solver off and just use “granular flow”.

Is it impossible “granular” and fluid solution together for this type of geometries (with baffle)? I want to solve reactor which has inside baffles. And I see similar problems.

No it is not. You just need to exaggerate the thickness of the baffles so that the mesh has something to intersect with.

Thank you. May I ask that the thickness of the baffle should be at least several times the length of the grid side

Yes, I would say a minimum is 2x the grid size. If there is curvature it might need to be greater than 2x.

i read Mfix docment ,you could import gambit mesh of a structured grid ,but how import that?could you tell me ?