How to specify a BC that only allows the fluid through but not the solid?

I’m trying to specify a boundary condition with mass outflow, but I only want to fluid to flow out while retaining all the particles. How can this be implemented please?

What is your outlet boundary condition? You can try bc_po_apply_to_des (bc) = .false.

Thank you for the quick reply. I found exactly what you have in the screenshot, but am not able to edit it - can you further advise?

My other BCs are mass inlet and pressure outlet. The BC that I’d like to restrict mass outflow of solid is a ‘porous wall’.

Please clean the output files first in your project folder and then edit it (reset and start a new run).

You can also open the .mfix file and mannully add one line: bc_po_apply_to_des(3) = .False.

Thank you very much!!!