How to visualize 3 different particles with PSD with In-Situ Ascent?

I have 3 different particles in the system, sand, biomass and plastic.
Sand can be easily separated based on density, but for biomass and plastic, they both has PSD and overlapping with each other. And they are both reactive, so mass/density are decreasing and it is also not trivial to visualize based on density.
Is there an easy way to do this?

can you threshold by phase, e.g., something like

        type: "threshold"
          field: "phase"
          min_value:  0.5
          max_value:  1.5

and then render that pipeline? I’ve never tested something like that but idk why it wouldn’t work. let me know.

also, there is a way to render variable particle sizes but I’ve never gotten it to work correctly. I would just recommend using a constant mean value for the radius, especially if this is PIC (and you really shouldn’t be visualizing particles anyway :zipper_mouth_face:)

note :point_up: would be to isolate phase 1, you’d have to make a similar pipeline for phase 2, 3, etc.

It is a DEM simulation, I will try it out! Thanks.

ah ok, safe from @jmusser’s pic as particles wrath