Hello everyone,
I am attempting to integrate the Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) model with MFIX. To implement this in MFIX, I believe I need an array whose size changes based on the number of neighbors for all particle.
The JKR model requires a historical adhesion state to determine whether the adhesive force should be considered. Specifically, the adhesive force comes into play when the distance between particles is greater than the sum of their diameters but less than the sum of their diameters plus an additional cutoff distance. This array would store the contact state between particles.
The contact state should be updated as follows:
IF (ABS(pos(I, : ) - pos(L,:)) < 0) THEN
Is_contact(I,L) = .TRUE.
ELSE IF (ABS(pos(I, : ) - pos(L,:)) > δ_c) THEN
Is_contact(I,L) = .FALSE.
My question is: Are there any existing variables or arrays in MFIX that store the neighbors pairs of all particles? I would like to use such an array to create and update the Is_contact state array accordingly.
Thank you for your help!
Best regards,