I am installing MFiX on a computer cluster. The MFiX conda environment has been configured successfully, but when I am going to build the MFiX solver with the command:
Thanks Justin. You are right! Now I am able to use DMP on my cluster but the simulation interrupts once in a while. However, I have set the " chk_batchq_end = .False."
I think it is a memory leak problem.
I build my solver using the:
build_mfixsolver -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug --batch --dmp -j -DMPI_Fortran_COMPILER=mpifort -DCMAKE_Fortarn_FLAGS="-o3 -g -fcheck=all"
and compile it by:
mpirun -np 96 --hostfile host ./mfixsolver -f filename.mfx (host is a file that includes names of the nodes that will be used in the simulation!)
Do you think if I should change the build command?
I have this problem before, but since I was using a simple CPU on that time, I changed the DMP keyword to SMP and MPIFORT to GFORTRAN and it worked! But now on the cluster, I do not know what should I do?
I have checked the 3D rectangular FB of the MFiX projects and I faced the memory leak again! So it could only be due to the commands or my compiler? What do you think I should do, @onlyjus?
Actually to make sure that the problemis not because of the stl geometry, I tried the 3D rectangular FB at the GUI examples and it also gad memory leak! My simulation models drying in a frustum shape fluidized bed.
And do you think that the build and compile commands that I use are correct?
Thank you @onlyjus. I have installed one the combos and it apparently does not have the memory leak, but my simulation again interrupts once in a while! I use the nohup command to monitor the history and there is no error in it and only the iterations have stopped! The check_batchq_end is also False and the LOG file does not contain any error and the last lines are only the consecutive timesteps!
If you mean the terminal output by the stdout, then I have attached the screenshot of the last 30 lines of the nohup.out file and also the OUT and LOG files (123.6 KB)